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Digital Treasury

The CFO function is one of the key cornerstones of company growth and planning. Being able to leverage a digital treasury is one of the key differentiators. Our vision is to help you and your company streamline daily processes by digitalising many of the treasury functions. IFRS reporting, linking all your lease contracts with your property team, deploying centralised databases in the cloud and linking with your ERP will allow us to deliver reliable information and much quicker speeds than your current processes. If cash flow forecasting takes a team and days of work our digital treasury model can forecast daily sales and use historical cost data to build expected cash flows 12 months forward. We firmly believe that by embracing digital treasury solutions, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of today's financial landscape, maximise their financial potential, and pave the way for sustainable growth and success

Main Capabililties

Digital Workflows

ERP Interface

IFRS Compliance

Auditable Processes

Multiple Spread Sheets to Centralised System

Break Silos & Connect Accouting, Treasury & Business Developent

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